Monday, November 2, 2009

Grateful for....

My girlfriend Kirsty has this awesome blog (ask me about it and I'll tell you more) and she inspired me today. She is a very loving, forgiving, glass half-full kinda girl. Her blog for yesterday was about what she was thankful for since November is supposed to be the month of niceness or something like that. Being the glass half-empty girl that I am, I immediately turned her kind words upside down and found loopholes left and right. In all honesty I will do my best to express what I am thankful/grateful for (oh, I get it...November...Thanksgiving...Pilgrims...givings thanks for what you have...she really is a good person!)

1) I am grateful that I did not harm any human being this past month be it adult or child, (threatening my own children does not count). Considering what we went through this past month with Megy and school this is a near miracle. You may laugh but when Danie was in preschool there was this little girl that always bit her, we're talking drawing blood kinda bite. One time when I picked Danie up the only people in the room were me and the girl. Let's just say that the only thing that saved her from being pinched was the fact that I wasn't sure if she could talk or not.

2) I am thankful for frozen Snickers bars. This past month has been very stressful and as my tight jeans can attest I have needed my Snickers. I am not talking about the Snickers ice cream bars either. What do you think I am, some kind of fancy pants? I want a good old fashioned Snickers that's been thrown in the freezer.

3) I am thankful for Swan Creek Candles (specifically for the Lemon Icebox and Vanilla). Without the aromatherapy of these candles (I'm sure it's medicinal therefore tax deductible) I would go totally insane. Also it keeps my house from completely smelling like old leaky dog and stinky kid shoes.

4) I am grateful for my washer and dryer even though they aren't nearly big enough and the dryer squeaks like a roller coaster. I am already 5 months (at least) behind on laundry so I cannot imagine how far behind I would be with a wring washer and clothesline. Although my husband does on occasion promise me my very own rock and bucket when I complain too much......who me?

5) I am grateful for the friends that I didn't even realize I had or that I didn't realize cared as much as they do. Sometimes (okay, all the time) I get so wrapped up in my little family bubble that I forget that there is an outside world where people actually converse and do things for one another. This past month some very kind and loving people made it very clear to me that not only were they there for me but they always are. For someone who isn't good at making/retaining friends that means a lot. What the hell, if they can put up with me they must be angels of some sort...or deranged.

6) I am thankful for my family....even the ones that aggravate the hell out of me. I won't say who is who....they can figure it out themselves. My life is my family. Every decision I make is for them. On occasion I may overreact when I am feeling emotional (yes I know, it is shocking that ultra cool moi could ever overreact) but they know that in the end I will do what is best for us all. I do dammit so don't argue!

7) I am thankful for Michelina's microwave dinners. Being the "think ahead" kind of mom that I am I have already taught all my children how to cook. What this also could be translated into is.....when I am feeling lazy as hell, hurting or just don't feel like cooking they make their own dinners. Yes, it ends up happening more often than not but Michelina assured me that these are healthy well balanced meals and I am sure she wouldn't lie.

8) I am thankful for Farmville. Without my farm on Facebook I would be forced to actually go outside and break a sweat. I need to relax and everyone knows that working in your yard along with petting you animals is very relaxing. Now I can do both in my living sweat, bugs or dirt. Awesome.

Last but not least....
9) I am grateful for my husband whose continuing love and support keeps me going. At least that's what they always say on awards shows. Truthfully I am very grateful for everything he does that makes it so I can stay home and continue to stalk....I mean volunteer at our kids school. I truly believe that one of the biggest reasons we have such great kids is because I have been able to be there and be a part of there school experience.

That wasn't to bad. My skin isn't bubbling up and lightening didn't strike me so this must have been a good way to start November. After all, it does have my favorite holiday of the year. THANKSGIVING!

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