I am not a huge fan of change. I like to know who my kids teachers will be months ahead of time. I go through paint swatches for months. I school shop middle of the summer every year without fail. This summer there have been many changes that are throwing me off kilter. There will be 3 new teachers and a new Principal at my kids Elementary school because of budget cuts. My son won't get to go to 5th Grade camp for the same reason. These are changes that I am not comfortable with. They make me feel edgy. Some things I can control and some things I cannot.
I went to the Urologist yesterday to get another cystoscopy and bladder instillation. Last time they gave me a wonderful shot that put me in la-la land while they filled my bladder up to bursting with a "rescue solution". I know that one of the meds in the solution is Heparin to thin the bladder walls and another is sodium bicarbonate to calm the acidity of whats in my bladder. I can't remember what the 3rd med is but it is a numbing/pain killer. I am supposed to get that done every 6-9 months. It's been 4 months and I need it again.
This time when I woke up from my lovely nap they told me that they distended my bladder but didn't put in the solution because there was a problem. I have had so much pain because a kidney stone was blocking my ureter tube and when they removed it they put in a stent because of swelling. I'm pretty sure I can feel the stent in my body. So here I am with a plastic tube from my bladder to my kidney. A distended bladder with no bladder wash to make the I.C. feel better and they tell me they had to tube me for some reason during the procedure. The anesthesiologist said they only do it if absolutely necessary but they did. Ryan said I talked to the doctor but I don't remember a thing. That would be a side effect of the wonderful/lovely shot.
I go back again next Friday to get the stent removed and to have the bladder wash completed. Then they want me to come once a week for 5 more weeks to have the bladder wash done while awake. I had everything planned out perfectly. Have my cysto done now so I would be in working order in time for the kids to go back to school....Nothing goes as planned....
Ohhhh my poor friend I am cringing just reading about that. Prayers that your bladder starts miraculously cooperating and you can be done with this sooner then expected. You must have an amazing pain threshold to have lived with a kidney stone that long. ((())))